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Read the following four statements (1-4) about certain mistakes in two of them 1. The first transgenic buffalo
26/09/2020 4:34 pm
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Read the following four statements (1-4) about certain mistakes in two of them
1. The first transgenic buffalo, Rosie produced milk which was human alpha-lactal albumin enriched.
2. Restriction enzymes are used in isolation of DNA from other macro-molecules.
3. Downstream processing is one of the steps of R-DNA technology.
4. Disarmed pathogen vectors are also used in transfer of R-DNA into the host.
Which are the two statements having mistakes?
(a) Statement 2 and 3
(b) Statement 3 and 4
(c) Statement 1 and 3
(d) Statement 1 and 2
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1 Answer
26/09/2020 4:40 pm

(d) Statement 1 and 2
Transgenic Rosie is actually cow. Restriction enzymes cut the DNA at specific sites.
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