Last seen: Nov 14, 2021
Role of workers in a bee colony: Workers are diploid, sterile females. They are the most active members of the colony and have most of the responsi...
Capture Fisheries: It is a method of obtaining fish from natural resources. There is no seeding or rearing of fish. Inland Fisheries It is...
Cross-breeding is the common method used for increasing the production among poultry, fisheries, and bee-keeping. The exotic species of the fowls, ...
Pasturage is the availability of flowers to the bees for nectar and pollen collection. Pasturage determines the taste, quality, and quantity of hon...
The desirable characteristics of selecting a bee variety for bee-keeping are listed below: 1. The bee variety should be carrying a gentle nature. O...
Honeybees live in a colony and divide their tasks among different groups (castes) in the same colony. There are mainly three types of castes in the...
Prevention of animal diseases: Animals suffer from a large number of diseases that are caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other pat...
Artificial insemination is the process of cross-breeding in which semen is collected from the desired bull of high milk yielding breed and injected in...
Feed refers to the food that is eaten by farm animals. There are two types of feeds: 1. Roughage: It contains fibres such as green fodder, silag...
Insect pests are serious plant destroyers. They attack the parts and products of plants at all the stages of their life. Insects can attack the pla...
There are two broad methods to control plant diseases as stated below: 1. Weed control: Weeds are unwanted plants growing in the cultivated fields ...
Methods of crop improvement are explained below: 1. Hybridisation: It is the crossing between two genetically dissimilar plants to produce a new...
Mixed cropping: It aims to minimise risk of crop failure. Seeds of two crops are mixed before sowing. In this method there is a difficulty of fe...
There are various types of irrigation systems in India. 1. Canal system: In this system, man-made canals receive water from different reservoirs or...
Irrigation is the process of supplying water to the crop plants via canals, wells, reservoirs, tube wells, etc. Irrigation of crops is essential be...
Manure are poor in nutrient content than fertilisers; however, they are rich in organic matter. If only manure is added to a field, then the plants of...
figure.png Compost is prepared from farm and town refuse, including vegetable and animal refuse, faecal matter of humans, sewage waste, weeds, cro...
Manure: It is a natural substance obtained by decomposition of animal wastes and plant residues. It has a low nutrient content. It is rich in or...
Advantage of using insect-resistant varieties is that it reduces the use of insecticides. This will help in maintaining the soil fertility for a longe...
Crop's pests are the organisms that destroy the growing crop plants by causing great economic loss. There are various pests of crop plants such as wee...