
In This is Jody’s F...
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In This is Jody’s Fawn, Jody’s father uses a ‘home remedy for a snake bite. What should a person now do if he or she is bitten by a snake? Are all snakes poisonous?

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In This is Jody’s Fawn, Jody’s father uses a ‘home remedy for a snake bite. What should a person now do if he or she is bitten by a snake? Are all snakes poisonous? With the help of your teacher and others, find out answers to such questions. Then write a short paragraph on-What to do if a snake chooses to bite you.

1 Answer

If a snake chooses to bite you, utmost care should be taken. A cut is drawn above the bite-mark and together the other side with a cloth so that the poison may not follow the blood circulation. The victim should not allow to sleep. The victim should be removed to hospital nearby as soon as possible. Stop providing water and eatables to him before the treatment starts. However, every snake is not a poisonous one. But no risk should be taken.


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