Love, compassion, and forgiveness are great human values which we must try to imbibe. Discuss it in the context of the play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks.’

Love, compassion, and forgiveness are great human values which we must try to imbibe. Discuss it in the context of the play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks.’

There is no doubt that love, compassion and forgiveness are great human virtues. We should try to imbibe them in our day-to-day life. We should learn to love all. We should be compassionate towards the weak. We should forgive all those who offend or harm us in any way. The Bishop in the play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks’ is a true Christian who has imbibed in him the divine virtues of love, compassion and forgiveness. He loves one and all without any discrimination. He treats even the convict as his friend and guest. The convict proves to be ungrateful by stealing the silver candlesticks of a person who offered him food and shelter and comforted him.
However, the Bishop forgives him easily. Rather he gifts the candlesticks to him so that he may start a new life. This is what we should do in our life, though it is not an easy task.
The Convict goes to Paris, sells the silver candlesticks and starts a business. The business prospers and he starts a reformatory for exconvicts. He writes a letter to the Bishop telling him of this reformatory and seeks his blessings. As the convic...
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