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What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy? What steps would you suggest to reduce energy consumption?
28/09/2021 2:38 pm
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What are the environmental consequences of the increasing demand for energy? What steps would you suggest to reduce energy consumption?
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1 Answer
28/09/2021 2:39 pm

Some consequences of the increasing demand for energy are:
- Air pollution, acid rain and health problems are caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
- Large ecosystem is destroyed by dams which are built on rivers to generate electricity.
- Living things are affected by radioactive emission of nuclear fuels which are used to generate electricity in nuclear power plant.
Steps to reduce energy consumption:
- Non-renewable sources like fossil fuels should be used judiciously.
- Renewable sources of energy should be used more.
- Devices which take less energy like a pressure cooker should be used.
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