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[Solved] Name the laws involved in the following situations: (a) the sum of products of masses and velocities of two moving bodies before and after their collision remains the same.
Force and Laws of Motion
01/11/2021 8:10 pm
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Name the laws involved in the following situations:
(a) the sum of products of masses and velocities of two moving bodies before and after their collision remains the same.
(b) a body of mass 5 kg can be accelerated more easily by a force than another body of mass 50 kg under similar conditions
(c) when person A standing on roller skates pushes another person B (also standing on roller skates) and makes him move to the right side, then person A himself gets moved to the left side by an equal distance.
(d) if there were no friction and no air resistance, then a moving bicycle would go on moving for ever.
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1 Answer
01/11/2021 8:11 pm
(a) Law of conservation of momentum
(b) Newton’s second law of motion
(c) Newton’s third law of motion
(d) Newton’s first law of motion
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