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Gene therapy is an attempt to correct a genetic defect by providing a normal gene into the individual. By this the normal function can be restored.
22/01/2022 4:37 pm
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Gene therapy is an attempt to correct a genetic defect by providing a normal gene into the individual. By this the normal function can be restored. An alternate method would be to provide the gene product (protein/enzyme) known as enzyme replacement therapy, which would also restore the function. Which in your opinion is a better option? Give reason for your answer.
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22/01/2022 4:38 pm
Gene therapy is an attempt to correct a genetic defect by providing a normal gene into the individual. By this the normal function can be restored. Alternate method would be to provide the gene product (protein/ enzyme) know as enzyme replacement therapy, which would also restore the function. Which in your opinion is a better option? Give reason for your answer.
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