
The narrator and hi...
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The narrator and his wife reveal something about their character in their words and actions. We also learn about them from what other people say. Can you pick out the words that describe them from the box given below? Also, pick out lines and Instanc...

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The narrator and his wife reveal something about their character in their words and actions. We also learn about them from what other people say. Can you pick out the words that describe them from the box given below? Also, pick out lines and Instances

John Hallock 

1. ...... in the end things had always come my way ........ somehow I'd always been able to dig one (plot) up for him, so I'd begun to get a bit cocky as to my ability (to write stories). 1. ..............

2. "But my ghosts aren't a bit like you ......." 2. sceptical

3. We scout around until we find a writer without ideas and with a mind soft enough to accept impression. 3. gullible

4. ............ 4. creative

5. ............. 5. protective

Lavinia Hallock

1.  ............... 1. loves novelty and thrills

2. ................. 2. spendthrift

3. .................. 3. suspicious

4. ................... 4. jealous

5. Buys the Ouija board but says it is for John's research 5. manipulative, clever

6. Does not flinch when she meets the ghost but talks to her casually. 6. strong

1 Answer

John Hallock

4. I sat down to write a ghost story. 4. creative

5. His magazine was only one to print my stuff. 5. protective

Lavinia Hallock

1. Such as my wife’s shopping 1. loves novelty and thrills

2. Cure her of her tendency to take every new fad 2. spendthrift

3. John, why are you sitting in the dark? 3. suspicious

4. Looking as if I were some peculiar insect 4. Jealous


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