
Noble Member
Joined: Sep 10, 2021
Last seen: Jul 5, 2023
Topics: 35 / Replies: 2086
3 years ago
3 years ago
Answer to: What is the function of the respiratory system? (b) What are the major organs of respiratory system in man (or humans)? (c) Draw a labelled diagram of the human respiratory system.

(a) The function of respiratory system is to breathe in oxygen for respiration (producing energy from food), and to breathe out carbon dioxide produce...

3 years ago
Answer to: Explain how, it would benefit deep sea divers if humans also had gills.

If humans also had gills then the deep sea divers could remain under sea water even without carrying oxygen cylinders for breathing as they would be a...

3 years ago
Answer to: Explain why, plants have low energy needs as compared to animals.

Plants do not move. In a large plant body there are many dead cells like sclerenchyma as a result it requires less energy as compared to animals.

3 years ago
Answer to: Name the energy currency in the living organisms. When and where is it produced?

The energy currency of the cell is ‘ATP’. It is produced in cytoplasm in lower organisms which respire anaerobically. In higher organisms, ‘ATP’ is pr...

3 years ago
Answer to: Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms much faster than in terrestrial organisms?

The rate of breathing in aquatic animals is much faster than terrestrial animals because the amount of oxygen dissolved in water is low as compared to...

3 years ago
Answer to: Why do fishes die when taken out of water?

Fishes die when taken out of water because they do not have lungs to utilize the oxygen of air for breathing and respiration. They have gills which ca...

3 years ago
Answer to: What is meant by aquatic animals and terrestrial animals? (b) From where do the aquatic animals and terrestrial animals obtain oxygen for breathing and respiration?

(a) Aquatic animals are the animals which live in water and the terrestrial animals are the animals which live on land. (b) The aquatic animals use...

3 years ago
Answer to: Describe the process of respiration in the following parts of a plant: (a) Root (b) Stem (c) Leaves

(a) Respiration in roots: The roots of a plant take the oxygen required for respiration from the air present in between the soil particles by the proc...

3 years ago
Answer to: What would be the consequences of deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?

The deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood of a person reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood resulting in breathing problems, tiredness and la...

3 years ago
Answer to: Describe the process of respiration in fish.

Respiration and fish: The fish has special organ of breathing called gills on both the sides of its head. The gills are covered by gill covers. The fi...

3 years ago
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