Last seen: Sep 30, 2021
It is said that when princes or kings die a star gets pulled from the sky. This star shoots and falls. This leaves behind a shining light. This happen...
(а) remind the mob of Caesar’s greatness as a warrior
(a) has not understood Brutus’ reason for killing Caesar
(b) Rome will experience fierce civil war in which many people will die
(d) knows Antony is a good orator who can sway the mob.
(c) his recommendations will be as strong as that of the conspirators while distributing the powers and benefits to friends
(a) ambition
(a) worried
Possible reason for Assassination Mahatma Gandhi Systematic brainwashing by the people who are staunch racists. As in the case of Gandhiji, hard...
(а) ‘killing’ means : to cause the death of somebody or something (b) ‘murder’ means : unlawful killing of a human being intentionally (c) ‘assass...
Topic: Grandfather is not entirely right in moving away from his daughters. View 1: Grandpa in the play ‘The Dear Departed’ was considered dead by f...
July 9, 20XX 10:00 p.m. Today, I am feeling really heartbroken to see how money can overpower emotions even among the blood relations. Grandpa was...
These lines reveal that the speaker is able to talk about death without getting upset.
Grandfather had died without giving any trouble to anybody. If he had been bedridden, it would have been worse for everybody.
The speaker says these words when he meets Mrs Slater. He is trying to console her.
Ben is the speaker of these lines.
It reveals the pettiness of all the adult characters. They all are trying to show the others, in bad light. Also, here, it is truly in haste as the gr...