
Noble Member
Joined: Sep 21, 2020
Last seen: Oct 19, 2020
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Answer to: After reading this chapter, three students drew different conclusions. Thomman - Power sharing is necessary only in societies which have religious, linguistic or ethnic divisions.

The conclusion drawn by Ouseph is correct. Every society needs some form of power-sharing even if it is small or does not have social divisions becaus...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Answer to: What are the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of each of these.

In modern democracies, the different forms of power sharing are given below with an example of each : Power sharing among different organs of gove...

4 years ago
Answer to: Define coalition government.

The Coalition Government implies a government of two or more parties. When the alliance of two or more parties gets elected and forms a government it ...

4 years ago
Answer to: What do you mean by checks and balances?

Checks and Balances is a system in which each organ of the government keeps a check on the others which results in a balance of power among various in...

4 years ago
Answer to: What is the proportion of Tamils in Sri Lanka’s total population?

The proportion of Tamils in Sri Lanka is 18 per cent out of which Sri Lankan Tamils constitute 13 per cent of the population and Indian Tamils constit...

4 years ago
Answer to: What does the federal division of power imply?

The term federal division implies power sharing at different levels of government.

4 years ago
Answer to: In which form of power sharing, power is shared at different levels of government?

Power is shared at different levels of government in vertical form of power sharing.

4 years ago
Answer to: The system of’checks and balances’ comes under which form of power sharing?

Horizontal distribution of power sharing arrangement is known as a system of checks and balances.

4 years ago
Answer to: What is separation of power?

The separation of power is the power sharing among the different organs of government with their specific jurisdiction.

4 years ago
Answer to: What is the difference between prudential and moral reasons for power sharing?

Prudential reason: Power sharing in democracy reduces the possibility of conflicts between different social groups. Moral reason: In a democracy, citi...

4 years ago
Answer to: Why power sharing is essential for democracy?

Power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.

4 years ago
Answer to: What is power sharing?

Power sharing means sharing of responsibilities and powers by the different organs of the government.

4 years ago
Answer to: Which city was chosen as the headquarters of the European Union?

Brussels was chosen as the headquarters of the European Union.

4 years ago
Answer to: Differentiate between community government in Belgium and majoritarian government in Sri Lanka.

In Belgium, all the benefits of economic development and education were given to Dutch speaking communities as well as French Minority community while...

4 years ago
Answer to: How many times did Belgium amend its constitution regarding power sharing?

Belgium amended its constitution four times between 1970 and 1993.

4 years ago
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