
Look at the K.W.L. ...
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Look at the K.W.L. chart given on next page. Based on the information you have gathered till now, complete the K and W columns. You may work with your partner. After reading the story complete the third column.

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Look at the K.W.L. chart given on next page. Based on the information you have gathered till now, complete the K and W columns. You may work with your partner. After reading the story complete the third column.

K-What I know → W-What I want to know → L-What I learnt

Virtual Reality →

Virtual Environment →

3-D/three-dimensional →

Simulation games →

Computer simulations →

Interactive psycho-drive games →

Teleporting →

1 Answer

Virtually True → K-What I Know → W—What I want to Know → L-What I learn

Virtual Reality → Computer- simulated environment → Benefits of virtual reality → “Quick to learn” real time experiences, easy to create virtual replicas of caves, old towns and monuments.

Virtual Environment → It is a place where things, that can be manipulated, are kept. → Some examples of virtual environment → Multi-user games, multi­user chat systems.

3-D/three­ Dimensional → A graphic display involving three as­pects i.e., width, depth and height. → How is it different from 2D? → 3-D experiences make it seem as if we are really part of the experience.

Simulation games → It attempts to copy various activities from real life in the form of a game. → Are these helpful in the domain of education also? → Yes, these games help in teaching complex concepts in a fun way. These include board, card and video games.

Computer simulations → Types of games Baseball, Bas­ketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, racing → Other areas where these games are helpful in learning concepts. → Medical simulation games are helpful in practicing concepts like the Brain, Under the Knife, etc.

Interactive psycho- drive games → These games are played with a virtual reality visor and glove, which have the ability to change what a person can see. They control the actions by their thoughts. → Are these games really as harmless as shown in the story? → No, infact these games contribute to aggressive behaviour in teenagers. They feel isolated from the society.

Teleporting → Transferring matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. → Why is human transportation still a far- fetched idea? → To transport a person, computer would have to pinpoint and analyze all of the 1028 atoms the make up the human body.

L-What I learn → The information then has to be sent to another location where another machine would have to reconstruct the body with exact precision that leaves a chance of errors.


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