Look at the K.W.L. chart given on next page. Based on the information you have gathered till now, complete the K and W columns. You may work with your partner. After reading the story complete the third column.

Look at the K.W.L. chart given on next page. Based on the information you have gathered till now, complete the K and W columns. You may work with your partner. After reading the story complete the third column.
K-What I know → W-What I want to know → L-What I learnt
Virtual Reality →
Virtual Environment →
3-D/three-dimensional →
Simulation games →
Computer simulations →
Interactive psycho-drive games →
Teleporting →

Virtually True → K-What I Know → W—What I want to Know → L-What I learn
Virtual Reality → Computer- simulated environment → Benefits of virtual reality → “Quick to learn” real time experiences, easy to create virtual replicas of caves, old towns and monuments.
Virtual Environment → It is a place where things, that can be manipulated, are kept. → Some examples of virtual environment → Multi-user games, multiuser chat systems.
3-D/three Dimensional → A graphic display involving three aspects i.e., width, depth and height. → How is it different from 2D? → 3-D experiences make it seem as if we are really part of the experience.
Simulation games → It attempts to copy various activities from real life in the form of a game. → Are these helpful in the domain of education also? → Yes, these games help in teaching complex concepts in a fun way. These include board, card and video games.
Computer simulations → Types of games Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Hockey, racing → Other areas where these games are helpful in learning concepts. → Medical simulation games are helpful in practicing concepts like the Brain, Under the Knife, etc.
Interactive psycho- drive games → These games are played with a virtual reality visor and glove, which have the ability to change what a person can see. They control the actions by their thoughts. → Are these games really as harmless as shown in the story? → No, infact these games contribute to aggressive behaviour in teenagers. They feel isolated from the society.
Teleporting → Transferring matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. → Why is human transportation still a far- fetched idea? → To transport a person, computer would have to pinpoint and analyze all of the 1028 atoms the make up the human body.
L-What I learn → The information then has to be sent to another location where another machine would have to reconstruct the body with exact precision that leaves a chance of errors.
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