Do you think these opinions are biased? Write an article entitled ‘Virtual games are a reality’.

Do you think these opinions are biased? Write an article entitled ‘Virtual games are a reality’.

The opinions whether computer games are biased or not is a matter of serious consideration. Let’s know more about these games. Virtual games are a fad among teenagers as well as adults and are played in a computer simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. Most of these games include visual experiences, displayed on a computer screen, sensory information through headphones, etc. These games make use of standard input devices like keyboard and mouse or multi-modal devices such as a wired glove and omni-directional treadmills. While playing, the player feels himself/herself to be inside the scene with the action going all round. Virtual reality may impact human life and activity significandy. It enables heritage sites to be recreated extremely accurately, develops virtual replicas of caves and monuments. It has therapeutic uses also like treatment of different phobias and to treat the patients who are in another location by projecting a 3-D avatar of the therapist to treat the patient. However, these games have a dark side also. The adrenaline rush that occurs while playing, can alter the behaviour of the player negatively. These games involve a high degree of ‘immersion and the boundary between real and virtual life gets blurred. In order to harness the full benefits of virtual reality, one should be sensitized, to warn off the possible dangers.
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