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Do you think it is a true story? Could it happen to you one day? Here are some opinions about computer games in general.
Virtually True
20/12/2020 5:07 pm
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Do you think it is a true story? Could it happen to you one day? Here are some opinions about computer games in general.
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1 Answer
20/12/2020 5:08 pm

It is a true story and could happen to anyone one day, but computer games, if played in excess may harm one. Too much, time is wasted and the person starts leading a sedentary life. The games cause addiction and they have negative impact on health. Too much addiction to computer makes a person suffer from psychological imbalance. Sebastian hit his head against the computer while being driven in a car. This addiction of playing computer games made him suffer for life. Computer games promote violence and aggression, they reduce one’s social skills and detach one from reality.
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