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Tell you about it? Look here, I was a man once. I’m a beast now, and they made me what I am. They chained me up like a wild animal, they lashed me like a hound. I fed on filth, I was covered, with vermin, I slept on boards, and I complained.

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Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

Tell you about it? Look here, I was a man once. I’m a beast now, and they made me what I am. They chained me up like a wild animal, they lashed me like a hound. I fed on filth, I was covered, with vermin, I slept on boards, and I complained. Then they lashed me again. For ten years, ten years. Oh God! They took away my name, they took away my soul, and they gave me a devil in its place.

(a) The speaker was a man once but he is a beast now. How?

(b) Who made him what he was?

(c) Describe the tortures and sufferings the speaker had to go in prison.

1 Answer

(a) Before he was arrested and put in prison, the Convict was a man with all human qualities. The jail-life has reduced him to a beast.

(b) The tortures of the police made him a beast and reduced him to what he was.

(c) The Convict was chained and lashed like an animal. He was fed on filth and covered with vermin and it continued for ten years.


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