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How did the powers of tribal chiefs change under colonial rule?

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How did the powers of tribal chiefs change under colonial rule?

1 Answer

Change in the Powers of the Tribal Chiefs under Colonial Rule

  • Before the arrival of the British in India, tribal chiefs were important people.
  • They had economic power.
  • They had the right to administer and control their territories.
  • In some areas, they had their own policy.
  • They decided on the local rules of land and forest management.

The British changed their functions and powers considerably.

  • They were allowed to keep their land titles over a cluster of villages and rent outlands.
  • They were divested of their administrative power.
  • They were forced to follow laws made by the British in India.
  • They also had to pay tribute to the British, and discipline the tribal groups
    on behalf of the British.
  • They lost the authority they had earlier enjoyed amongst their people.
  • Now they were unable to fulfill their traditional functions.

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