With the help of diagram show the difference between striated muscle fibre, smooth muscle fibre and cardiac muscle fibre.
02/01/2021 2:06 pm
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With the help of diagram show the difference between striated muscle fibre, smooth muscle fibre and cardiac muscle fibre.
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1 Answer
02/01/2021 2:13 pm
Striated Muscle
1. The cells are long, cylindrical, unbranched and multinucleated.
2. The cells show alternate light and dark bands.
3. The muscles are voluntary.
Smooth Muscle
1. The cells are along with pointed ends, unbranched, and uninucleated.
2. The cells do not have such light and dark bands.
3. The muscles are involuntary.
Cardiac Muscle
1. The cells are cylindrical, branched and uninucleated.
2. The cells show alternate dark and light bands.
3. The muscles are involuntary.
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