A paralytic patient was unable to walk. The family member of the patient took the outmost care of the patient. (a) Name two tissues responsible for the movement of a body. (b) Name the tissues present in brain and spine. (c) What value of the fami...
02/01/2021 3:47 pm
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A paralytic patient was unable to walk. The family member of the patient took the outmost care of the patient.
(a) Name two tissues responsible for the movement of a body.
(b) Name the tissues present in brain and spine.
(c) What value of the family members is seen in the above case?
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1 Answer
02/01/2021 3:48 pm
(a) The two tissues responsible for movement of the body are muscular tissue and nervous tissue.
(b) The tissues present in brain and spine are nervous tissues.
(c) The family members showed the value of being caring, responsible, dutiful and kind.
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