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Write a note to explain the effect of The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries.
10/10/2020 1:18 pm
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Write a note to explain the effect of The decision of MNCs to relocate production to Asian countries.
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10/10/2020 1:19 pm

Wages were relatively low in Asian countries like China. Thus, they became lucrative destinations for investment by foreign MNCs competing to dominate world markets. The relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flow.
Impact of MNC’s decision to relocate production in Asian Countries was as follows:
a. It provided a cheap source of labour for MNCs
b. It stimulated world trade and increased capital inflow in the Asian Countries
c. The local population now had a greater choice of goods and services along with prospects of greater employment opportunities for them.
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