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Two sailors got marooned on the island, both of them were very thirsty and one of the sailors tried to drink sea water. The other sailor immediately stopped him from drinking the salty water of sea and suggested to wait for some help, stay calm and p...
01/01/2021 3:18 pm
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Two sailors got marooned on the island, both of them were very thirsty and one of the sailors tried to drink sea water. The other sailor immediately stopped him from drinking the salty water of sea and suggested to wait for some help, stay calm and patient.
(a) What would happen if the sailor drinks salty water?
(b) What is osmosis?
(c) What value of sailors is reflected in the above act?
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1 Answer
01/01/2021 3:19 pm
(a) On drinking sally water, exosmosis in the intestine will cause dehydration and vomiting.
(b) The movement of water molecules through a permeable membrane is called osmosis.
(c) Sailors showed the value of being patient, composed, empathy and determination.
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