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Anu is a five year old girl who joined the swimming classes. After the first class she was worried when she saw her wrinkled fingers. She asked her elder sister about the wrinkling and shrinking of her fingers. Her sister explained Anu why it was so....
01/01/2021 3:17 pm
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Anu is a five year old girl who joined the swimming classes. After the first class she was worried when she saw her wrinkled fingers. She asked her elder sister about the wrinkling and shrinking of her fingers. Her sister explained Anu why it was so.
(a) Why did the fingers wrinkle after swimming?
(b) What caused the shrinking/wrinkling of fingers?
(c) What value of Anu is seen in the above cast?
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1 Answer
01/01/2021 3:17 pm
(a) Fingers wrinkled because the cells of the skin lost some water.
(b) This happened because of the difference in the concentration of water in the skin cells and swimming pool’s water.
(c) Anu showed the value of aware citizen and a good learner who clarifies the doubts.
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