Victoria Slater is truly attached to her Grandpa. As she sees the elders in her family quarrel over the inheritance, she is bewildered and upset by their attitude. As Victoria write a diary entry outlining the incident and your feelings. (150 words)

Victoria Slater is truly attached to her Grandpa. As she sees the elders in her family quarrel over the inheritance, she is bewildered and upset by their attitude. As Victoria write a diary entry outlining the incident and your feelings. (150 words)

July 9, 20XX
10:00 p.m.
Today, I am feeling really heartbroken to see how money can overpower emotions even among the blood relations. Grandpa was considered dead and my aunt, who had not visited us for ages, rushed on hearing the news presumably out of love but actually out of greed for grandpas property. And mother is also not in any way, different from her. The way she eyed grandpas belongings and the eagerness with which she tried to pocket all the things before aunt’s arrival was really absurd and shocking to me. This showy concern is really annoying and painful. But I am happy that grandpa is alive and has come to realise She mercenary nature of all and outwitted them in their planning. I pray to God to give some sense to these people and they mend their ways.
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