How does the spat between his daughters lead to grandfather discovering the truth?

How does the spat between his daughters lead to grandfather discovering the truth?

Both the sisters are discussing about their share and Mrs Slater spills the beans when she tells grandfather that it was her husband who was wearing his slippers and they had brought his bureau downstairs. She also tells him that she was the one who had declared that he was dead. Grandfather is shocked when he comes to know all this. He is upset that his daughters want him to die. He also sees his clock downstairs. He understands that his daughters do not love him. They only want his wealth and belongings. They have no interest, whatsoever, in his well being. For them he is nothing more than a nuisance and they wish that he is out of their lives at the earliest. They are very happy that he is dead. Mrs Slater does not even call the doctor to confirm. She decides, informs her sister and even gives the tailor order for the mourning outfits.
Grandfather says, “It seems to me that neither of you has any cause to feel proud about the way you’ve treated me.” While it is true that the daughters disregard modesty, decency and filial obligation, grandfather cannot be fully justified in practic...
4 years ago
Victoria Slater is truly attached to her Grandpa. As she sees the elders in her family quarrel over the inheritance, she is bewildered and upset by their attitude. As Victoria write a diary entry outlining the incident and your feelings. (150 words)
4 years ago
What does it reveal about the speaker’s character?
4 years ago
“Now, Amelia, you mustn’t give way. We’ve all got to die some time or other. It might have been worse.” The speaker says these words when he meets Mrs Slater. He is trying to console her.
4 years ago
“Now, Amelia, you mustn’t give way. We’ve all got to die some time or other. It might have been worse.” What prompts the speaker to say these words?
4 years ago
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