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Why did industrial production in India increase during the First World War?
11/10/2020 12:29 pm
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Why did industrial production in India increase during the First World War?
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1 Answer
11/10/2020 12:30 pm

Industrial production in India increased during the First World War due to the following reasons
- The British mills were busy with war production to meet the needs of the army; thus, Manchester imports into India declined.
- With the decline of imports suddenly, Indian mills had a vast home market to supply.
- As the war prolonged, Indian factories were called upon to supply war needs also, such as Jute bags, cloth for uniforms of soldiers, tents, leather boots.
- New factories were set up, and old ones organised multiple shifts; during the war years, Indian industries boomed.
- Overall, the First World War gave a boost to Indian industries.
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