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(a) State the advantages of constructing dams across the rivers. (b) Describe some of the problems associated with the construction of dams.
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
20/10/2021 1:50 pm
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(a) State the advantages of constructing dams across the rivers.
(b) Describe some of the problems associated with the construction of dams.
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1 Answer
20/10/2021 1:52 pm
(a) The advantages of constructing dams across the rivers are:
- Water from a dam is used for irrigation in fields through a network of canals.
- Water from a dam is supplied to the people in towns and cities through pipelines after suitable treatment.
- The falling water from the dam is used for generating electricity.
(b) The problems associated with the construction of dams are:
- Social Problems: Due to the constriction of high rise dams, a large number of human settlements are submerged in the water of large reservoir formed by the dam and many people are rendered homeless. This creates a social problem.
- Environmental Problems: The construction of high rise dams on the rivers contributes to deforestation and loss of biodiversity. This is because of a vast variety of flora and fauna (plants and animals) get submerged in the water of large reservoir formed by the dam and disturb the ecological balance.
- Economic Problems: Some people say that the construction of high rise dams involves the spending of huge amount of public money without the generation of proportionate benefits.
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