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Lifestyle diseases are increasing alarmingly in India. We are also dealing with large scale malnutrition in the population. Is there any method by which we can address both of these problems together?
15/01/2022 7:33 pm
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Lifestyle diseases are increasing alarmingly in India. We are also dealing with large scale malnutrition in the population. Is there any method by which we can address both of these problems together?
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1 Answer
15/01/2022 7:35 pm
Lifestyle disorders can be prevented by improving the lifestyle of a person. Taking too much of a stress can lead to heart stroke and paralysis which can be avoided by living in a healthy environment.
Malnutrition is very common in poor people who do not have access to nutritious food and India has a large scale population who are malnutrition. Proper distribution of food and less wasting can help to address both of these problems together.
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