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Suggest some important steps that you would recommend to be taken to improve the reproductive health standards in India.

1 Posts
2 Users
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Suggest some important steps that you would recommend to be taken to improve the reproductive health standards in India.

1 Answer
  • Creating awareness among people about various reproduction related aspects and providing facilities and support for building up a reproductively healthy society are the major tasks under these programmes. With the help of audio-visual and the print-media, governmental and non-governmental agencies have taken various steps to create awareness among the people about reproduction-related aspects.
  • Parents, other close relatives, teachers and friends, also have a major role in the dissemination of the above information. Educating people, especially fertile couples and those in marriageable age group, about available birth control options, care of pregnant mothers, post-natal care of the mother and child, importance of breast feeding, equal opportunities for the male and the female child, etc., would address the importance of bringing up socially conscious healthy families of desired size.

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