
Condoms are one of ...
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Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons:

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Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons:

(a) These are effective barriers for insemination

(b) They do not interfere with coital act

(c) These help in reducing the risk of STDs

(d) All of the above

1 Answer

Correct answer: (d) All of the above


Condoms are barriers made of thin rubber/latex sheath. Condoms are used to cover the penis in male or vagina and cervix in the female, just before coitus so that the ejaculated semen would not enter into the female reproductive tract. This can prevent conception. Use of condoms has increased in recent years due to its additional benefit of protecting the user from contracting STDs and AIDS. Both male and female condoms are disposable and gives privacy to the user. ‘Nirodh’ is a popular brand of condom for the male. Condom is the most widely used contraceptive by males in India as it is cheap and easily available. It is simple and effective and has no side effects.


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