
The diameter of a s...
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The diameter of a spherical bob is measured using vernier callipers. 9 divisions of the main scale, in the vernier callipers, are equal to 10 divisions of vernier scale. One main scale division is 1 mm.

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The diameter of a spherical bob is measured using vernier callipers. 9 divisions of the main scale, in the vernier callipers, are equal to 10 divisions of vernier scale. One main scale division is 1 mm. The main scale reading is 10 mm and 8th division of vernier scale was found to coincide exactly with one of the main scale division. If the given vernier callipers has positive zero error of 0.04 cm, then the radius of the bob is_____ × 10-2 cm.

1 Answer

9 MSD = 10 VSD

9 × 1 mm = 10 VSD

∴ 1 VSD = 0.9 mm

LC = 1 MSD – 1 VSD = 0.1 mm

Reading = MSR + VSR × LC

10 + 8 × 0.1 = 10.8 mm

Actual reading = 10.8 – 0.4 = 10.4 mm

radius = \(\frac{d}{2}\)= \(\frac{10.4}{2}\) = 5.2 mm

= 52 × 10-2 cm


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