For a body executing S.H.M.: (a) Potential energy is always equal to its K.E. (b) Average potential and kinetic energy over any given time interval are always equal.
16/02/2022 11:39 am
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For a body executing S.H.M.:
(a) Potential energy is always equal to its K.E.
(b) Average potential and kinetic energy over any given time interval are always equal.
(c) Sum of the kinetic and potential energy at any point of time is constant.
(d) Average K.E. in one time period is equal to average potential energy in one time period.
Choose the most appropriate option from the options given below :
(1) (c) and (d)
(2) only (c)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) only (b)
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1 Answer
16/02/2022 11:44 am
Correct answer: (1) (c) and (d)
In S.H.M. total mechanical energy remains constant and also <K.E.> = <P.E> = 1/4 KA2 (for 1 time period)
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