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Here are some lines from the lesson. What do they tell us about Patol Babu’s character? You may take help from the words given in the table below or find some of your own from the dictionary. The first one has been done for you.

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Here are some lines from the lesson. What do they tell us about Patol Babu’s character? You may take help from the words given in the table below or find some of your own from the dictionary. The first one has been done for you.

Passionate actor, diligent, unassuming, talented

genial, mercenary, short-tempered, introvert

meticulous, modest, humble, arrogant

(a) That an offer to act in a film could come to a 52-year-old nonentity like him was beyond his wildest dreams unassuming; modest

(b) Indeed, there was a time when people bought tickets especially to see him

(c) ‘I was with Hudson and Kimberley for nine years and wasn’t late for a single day.’

(d) It didn’t matter if the part was small, but, if he had to make the most of it, he had to learn his lines beforehand. How small he would feel if he muffed in the presence of so many people

(e) Patol Babu cleared his throat and started enunciating the syllable in various ways. Along with that he worked out how he would react physically when the collision took place -how his features would be twisted in pain, how he would fling out his arms, how his body would crouch to express pain and surprise all these he performed in various ways in front of a large glass window

(f) It is true that he needed money very badly, but what was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication?

1 Answer

(b) passionate actor, talented

(c) meticulous, humble

(d) diligent, meticulous

(e) talented

(f) genial, diligent


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