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Comment on the growth curve given below.
24/01/2022 6:07 pm
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Comment on the growth curve given below.
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24/01/2022 6:12 pm
A population growing in a habitat with limited resources show initially a lag phase, followed by phases of acceleration and deceleration and finally an asymptote, when the population density reaches the carrying capacity. A’ plot of N in relation to time (t) results in a sigmoid curve. This type of population growth is called Verhulst-Pearl Logistic
Growth and is described by the following equation:
\(\frac{dN}{dt}\) = rN \(\Big(\frac{K -N}{K}\Big)\)
\(\frac{dN}{dt}\) = rN \(\Big(1 -\frac{N}{K}\Big)\)
\(\Big(1 -\frac{N}{K}\Big)\) Environmental resistance
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