
Sometimes writers h...
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Sometimes writers highlight certain negative aspects in society or human beings by making fun of it. This is called satire. In your groups discuss whether you would classify this story as a satire. Give reasons to support your answer.

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Sometimes writers highlight certain negative aspects in society or human beings by making fun of it. This is called satire. In your groups discuss whether you would classify this story as a satire. Give reasons to support your answer.

1 Answer

The writer has used satire in the story. He has made fun of the characters in the story to bring out the satire. Mrs. Packletide is a shrewd and competitive person, she becomes jealous of her friend when she comes to know that Loona Bimberton has got a tiger-skin and faced the press and procured photographs. She too out of her pride arranges to shoot a tiger. She goes to the length of offering money to the villagers. An old tiger is lured by cheaper goats.

The writer uses satire to make fun of the society that would do anything in order to become famous as portrayed by Mrs. Packletide. The other side of the greedy society is reflected by Miss Mebbin. She is a greedy lady who blackmails Mrs. Packletide to buy her a cottage so that she would not give away the secret of the wrong animal being killed. The villagers represent another group of the society who are also greedy for money. For them money mattered more than the animal that was shot, whether it was the goat or a tiger.

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