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Regulatory proteins are the accessory proteins that interact with RNA polymerase and affect its role in transcription. Which of the following statements is correct about regulatory protein?
07/01/2022 7:07 pm
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Regulatory proteins are the accessory proteins that interact with RNA polymerase and affect its role in transcription. Which of the following statements is correct about regulatory protein?
(a) They only increase expression
(b) They only decrease expression
(c) They interact with RNA polymerase but do not affect the expression
(d) They can act both as activators and as repressors
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1 Answer
07/01/2022 7:08 pm
Correct answer: (d) They can act both as activators and as repressors
Regulatory proteins are the accessory proteins that interact with RNA polymerase and affect its role in transcription. They can act both as activators and as repressors.
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