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Match the following list of bacteria and their commercially important products. Bacterium - Product (i) Aspergillus niger → (A) Lactic acid (ii) Acetobacter aceti → (B) Butyric acid
17/01/2022 6:06 pm
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Match the following list of bacteria and their commercially important products.
Bacterium - Product
(i) Aspergillus niger → (A) Lactic acid
(ii) Acetobacter aceti → (B) Butyric acid
(iii) Clostridium butylicum → (C) Acetic acid
(iv) Lactobacillus → (D) Citric acid
Choose the correct match:
(a) i—B, ii—C, iii—D, iv—A
(b) i—B, ii—D, iii—C, iv—A
(c) i—D, ii—C, iii—B, iv—A
(d) i—D, ii—A, iii—C, iv—B
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1 Answer
17/01/2022 6:08 pm
Correct answer: (c) i—D, ii—C, iii—B, iv—A
(i) Aspergillus niger → (D) Citric acid
(ii) Acetobacter aceti → (C) Acetic acid
(iii) Clostridium butylicum → (B) Butyric acid
(iv) Lactobacillus → (A) Lactic acid
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