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Write a brief not on abolition of untouchability and Reservation Policy.

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Write a brief not on abolition of untouchability and Reservation Policy.

1 Answer

Abolition of untouchability and the Reservation Policy was another important feature of the Indian constitution. The Constitution offered special privileges for the poorest and most disadvantaged Indians.

The practice of untouchability was abolished. Hindu temples, previously open to only the higher castes, were thrown open to all, including the untouchables.

The Constituent Assembly recommended that a certain percentage of seats in legislatures as well as jobs in government be reserved for members of the lowest castes.

Many members of the Constituent Assembly argued against the Reservation policy. But many members stated that the policy was necessary to uplift the Harijans as they have been suppressed for thousands of years.

Along with the former Untouchables, the Adivasis or Scheduled Tribes were also granted reservation in Educational Institutions and jobs. Like the Scheduled Castes, these Indians too had been deprived and discriminated against. The new constitution sought to provide them with good education, health care and a profitable livelihood.


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