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Give an account of the successes and failures of the country during the sixty-two years of its independence.
India After Independence
03/06/2021 1:44 pm
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Give an account of the successes and failures of the country during the sixty-two years of its independence.
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03/06/2021 1:45 pm
Sixty-two years of independence have passed. This duration covers a long journey. A lot has been achieved during this time. But at the same time, there have been a number of failures.
Successes :
- India is still united and it is still democratic. These achievements definitely make us proud. Many foreign observers had felt that India could not survive as a single country. Others believed that it would come under military rule. Neither of these predictions proved to be true. As many as thirteen general elections have been held since independence, as well as hundreds of state and local elections.
- There is a free press and an independent judicially.
- The fact that people speak different languages or practice different faiths has not come in the way of national unity.
- Deep divisions are still there. Despite constitutional guarantees, people belonging to the lowest castes, such as Dalits face violence and discrimination. In many parts of rural India, they are not allowed access to water sources, temples, parks, and other public places.
- The gulf between the rich and the poor has grown over the years. Some groups of people avail all facilities while many others continue to live below the poverty line.
- Our Constitution provides equality before the law but in real life, this does not happen. Some Indians are more equal than others.
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