
Explain various met...
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Explain various methods of fertilizer application.

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Explain various methods of fertilizer application.

1 Answer

Various methods of fertilizer application are:


(i) It refers to spreading fertilizers uniformly all over the field.

(ii) Suitable for crops with dense stand, the plant roots permeate the whole volume of the soil, large doses of fertilizers are applied and insoluble phosphatic fertilizers such as rock phosphate are used.


(i) It refers to the placement of fertilizers in soil at a specific place with or without reference to the position of the seed.

(ii) Placement of fertilizers is normally recommended when the quantity of fertilizers to apply is small, development of the root system is poor, the soil has a low level of fertility and to apply phosphatic and potassic fertilizer.

Foliar application

(i) It refers to the spraying of fertilizer solutions containing one or more nutrients on the foliage of growing plants.

(ii) Several nutrient elements are readily absorbed by leaves when they are dissolved in water and sprayed on them.

(iii) The concentration of the spray solution has to be controlled, otherwise serious damage may result due to scorching of the leaves.

(iv) Foliar application is effective for the application of minor nutrients like iron, copper, boron, zinc and manganese. Sometimes insecticides are also applied along with fertilizers.


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