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Match between the following representing parts of the sperm and their functions and choose the correct option. Column A - Column B A. Head → (i) Enzymes B. Middle piece → (ii) Sperm motility
03/01/2022 7:03 pm
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Match between the following representing parts of the sperm and their functions and choose the correct option.
Column A - Column B
A. Head → (i) Enzymes
B. Middle piece → (ii) Sperm motility
C. Acrosome → (iii) Energy
D. Tail → (iv) Genetic material
(a) A - ii, B—iv, C—i, D—iii
(b) A—iv, B—iii, C—i, D—ii
(c) A—iv, B—i, C—ii, D—iii
(d) A—ii, B—i, C—iii, D—iv
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1 Answer
03/01/2022 7:04 pm
Correct answer: (b) A—iv, B—iii, C—i, D—ii
A. Head → (iv) Genetic material
B. Middle piece → (iii) Energy
C. Acrosome → (i) Enzymes
D. Tail → (ii) Sperm motility
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