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In the given flow diagram, the replication of retrovirus in a host is shown. Observe and answer the following questions.
12/01/2022 4:27 pm
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In the given flow diagram, the replication of retrovirus in a host is shown. Observe and answer the following questions.
(a) Fill in (1) and (2).
(b) Why is the virus called retrovirus?
(c) Can the infected cell survive while viruses are being replicated and released?
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1 Answer
12/01/2022 4:28 pm
(a) (i) Viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase.
(ii) New viral RNA is produced by infected cell.
(b) HIV is called retrovirus because it forms DNA from RNA by reverse transcription.
(c) Yes, infected cell can survive while viruses are being replicated and released.
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