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What are the various methods of vegetative propagation? Discuss any one method with example.
How do Organisms Reproduce?
29/11/2020 12:34 pm
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What are the various methods of vegetative propagation? Discuss any one method with example.
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1 Answer
29/11/2020 12:36 pm

The various types of vegetative propagation are
• Cutting
• Layering
• Grafting
• Parthenogenesis
• Micro-propagation in vitro
- It is a method in which two parts of different plants are joined together in such a way that they unite and grow as one plant.
- The portion of the plant that is grafted onto another plant is known as the scion, and the plant on which grafting is performed is known as the stock.
- The stock and the scion are tied in such a way that the cambium of the scion and the stock come in contact with each other.
- The stock is so chosen that it possesses qualities like disease resistance, high water absorbing capacity, deep penetrating roots for a firm hold, etc. The scion is so chosen that it possesses qualities like high yield of pulp or seeds (as desired) from a single fruit, etc.
- For example citrus-root stock is used for a variety of grafts like sweet orange, lime, grape, etc.
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