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Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests.

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Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous Forests.

1 Answer

Tropical Evergreen Forests are found in regions

  • where rainfall is very heavy, over 200 cm of rain.
  • forests appear green all the year round as the trees shed their leaves at different times of the year.
  • vegetation is luxuriant, multilayered and of great variety.
  • commercially important trees are ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber and cinchona.
  • trees are tall and have straight trunks.

Deciduous Forests are also known as Monsoon Forests.

  • These are found where the rainfall is between 70 cm-200 cm.
  • Trees shed their leaves for about 6-8 weeks in the dry summer.
  • These forests are divided between Dry and Wet Deciduous Forests.
  • Wet Deciduous Forests are found in the northeast states, foothills of the Himalayas, Jharkhand, West Odisha,
  • Chhattisgarh and the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats. Important trees are bamboo, sal, shisham, Khair, Arjun, etc.
  • Dry Deciduous Forests are found in the plains of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and the rainier parts of the Deccan plateau.
  • Important trees are teak, sal, peepal, and neem. Trees have been cleared in some parts for cultivation and for grazing.

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