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What ecological term is used to describe the DDT accumulation at different trophic levels? (ii) list any one effect of DDT accumulation on birds.
03/02/2022 2:56 pm
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(i) What ecological term is used to describe the DDT accumulation at different trophic levels?
(ii) list any one effect of DDT accumulation on birds.
(iii) Will DDT accumulation lead to eutrophication? Does it affect the BOD? Name disease caused by accumulation of any heavy metal.
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1 Answer
03/02/2022 2:58 pm
(i) Biomagnification
(ii) High concentrations of DDT disturb, calcium metabolism in birds, which causes thinning of eggshell and their premature breaking, eventually causing decline in bird populations.
(iii) Yes. it increases the BOD.
Disease caused by eating fish found in water contaminated with industrial waste having mercury is Minamata disease. Cd pollution associated with disease is called “Itai-Itai”. Arsenic (As) poisoning causes “Black foot disease”.
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