
In your opinion, wh...
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In your opinion, what words or phrases used by the poet are the most effective in bringing the person, place or thing to life? Give reasons for your answer.

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In your opinion, what words or phrases used by the poet are the most effective in bringing the person, place or thing to life? Give reasons for your answer.

1 Answer

Throughout the poem, Yeats uses a variety of imaginative phrases to capture the essence of the lake Isle. He brings the island to life by referring to the different birds and insects there. He comments on how “the cricket sings” and refers to "linnet’s wings”. This gives a sense of energy on the island, and reminds us of what a natural place it is.

The line “and live alone in the bee-loud glade” correctly captures the point that Yeats is trying to make about the island. It is an isolated place, where he can enjoy the solitude.

In the second stanza of the poem, Yeats describes how the light changes on the island throughout the day. He tells us that “noon’s a purple glow”. This light brings the entire lake Isle to life.

Finally, Yeats manages to capture the sounds of the island. He tells us that he can hear” water lapping in low sounds by the shore”. Yeats uses alliteration to recreate the sounds. By repeating the letter “I” so many times, we get a sense of the slow and gentle movement of the water.


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