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Assertion: Cuprous ion (Cu^+) has unpaired electrons while cupric ion (Cu^++) does not.
03/10/2020 4:13 pm
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Assertion: Cuprous ion (Cu+) has unpaired electrons while cupric ion (Cu++) does not.
Reason: Cuprous ion (Cu+) is colourless whereas cupric ion (Cu++) is blue in the aqueous solution.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
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1 Answer
03/10/2020 4:13 pm

(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
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