“The Best Seller” reveals the hypocrisy of Pescud. Why do people say something and practise something else? How can we avoid being hypocrites?

“The Best Seller” reveals the hypocrisy of Pescud. Why do people say something and practise something else? How can we avoid being hypocrites?

Pescud in “The Best Seller” asserts that he dislikes romances where people behave differently from what people do in real life. Towards the end we are amused to find that he himself does what is often done in the world of romances.
Most of the people, in fact, say something and practise something else. It is so because they fear to face reality. They fear that if they state clearly what they intend to do, they may be ridiculed or censored. Sometimes, hypocrisy is practised to win somebody else’s favour. At times it is practised in complete ignorance.
We can avoid being hypocrites by becoming alert in saying something publicly. We should say only that thing which we are sure of doing. We should get rid ourselves of all false fears and the question of false prestige. By becoming simple, truthful and clear-hearted we can avoid being hypocrites. Hypocrisy does not pay in the long run, while truthfulness always does.
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