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“That’s right,” the Sergeant said without enthusiasm and went on lecturing. When he had finished, he put questions to us; and, perhaps in the hope of revenge, he turned with his question again and again to the Professor. The only result was to enhanc...
A Dog Named Duke
29/01/2021 4:21 pm
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Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
“That’s right,” the Sergeant said without enthusiasm and went on lecturing. When he had finished, he put questions to us; and, perhaps in the hope of revenge, he turned with his question again and again to the Professor. The only result was to enhance the Professor’s glory.
(a) On which subject was the Sergeant giving lecture?
(b) Why did he put questions again and again to that Professor?
(c) Find a word in the passage similar in meaning to ‘zeal’.
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1 Answer
29/01/2021 4:22 pm

(a) The Sergeant was giving lecture on musketry.
(b) He put questions again and again to that Professor to take revenge.
(c) Enthusiasm.
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