Marcy was not fond of dogs and more so of big dogs. Yet when Duke died, she was devastated. After many days, she was able to pen down her feelings in her diary. Write a page of Marcy’s diary.

Marcy was not fond of dogs and more so of big dogs. Yet when Duke died, she was devastated. After many days, she was able to pen down her feelings in her diary. Write a page of Marcy’s diary.

Dear Diary,
It has been a month since we buried Duke. Tears well up in my eyes, at the thought of his loss. People whom I have not met for two years might feel surprised at the change that has come in my attitude. Oh! how I hated that huge dog when Chuck brought him home, he seemed to take so much place and expected everyone to pamper him. Somehow I feel that Duke knew that I didn’t like him, so he remained out of my way. He was so much Chuck’s dog that he would follow him like a shadow. That fateful accident changed my life for better or worse. My first instinct as to put Duke into a kennel as the thought or looking after him in the absence of Chuck was unthinkable. I finally got him home after much pressure from all quarters. Chuck who was slowly going into depression didn’t really care at that time, A chance touch at the collar of Duke charged him up. It was as if Duke had become the instructor and Chuck the student. I saw the silent understanding, I saw the intelligent handling, I saw the unconditional faith and trust in each other. Gradually, I realized how ignorant I had been, how I had missed the opportunity to befriend this lovely creature who was ready in attendance. The way he helped Chuck regain his balance is by no means joke. The last two years of his life, Duke devotedly served his master. I am amazed at the change that has come over me. My tolerance level for big dogs has increased. I was heart broken at his sudden death. If only I had shown him my love before, but man cannot turn put the clock back.
Good Night.
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