Imagine you are Many. You have seen your husband’s struggle against all odds to finally get back to work. You are happy that he has been promoted to the post of Assistant National Sales Manager. Write a letter to a friend felling her about Chuck’s co...

Imagine you are Many. You have seen your husband’s struggle against all odds to finally get back to work. You are happy that he has been promoted to the post of Assistant National Sales Manager. Write a letter to a friend felling her about Chuck’s courage and determination.

37-A, Vasant Vihar,
New Delhi
13th February, 20 xx
Dear Julien,
Hope you are in best of spirits.
I am heartbroken at the sudden death of Duke. His death is a great loss for my family. How can I forget what he has done for our family. Chuck is well settled today and living a normal life but this happiness is a gift from Duke. We owe everything to Duke.
The credit of Chuck’s recovery undoubtedly goes to Duke but his firm determination and iron willpower have also helped him to fight against all odds. The way Chuck regained his balance is by no means a Joke. I have seen the intelligent handling of Duke and the unconditional faith and trust in between the two. I am happy that he has been promoted to the post of Assistant National Sales Manager. He is doing well but I feel sad as Duke is no more. His positive attitude, patience and faith in Duke has helped him overcome the adverse circumstances and reach such heights. We owe our happiness to the extraordinary dog, Duke.
Do write soon.
Truly yours,
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