
How did the dog hel...
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How did the dog help Chuck come out of his critical condition?

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How did the dog help Chuck come out of his critical condition?

1 Answer

Duke, the dog played a very significant role in bringing Chuck out of his critical condition. He was an extraordinary dog having special qualities and was the one who helped Chuck to increase his stability and endurance. He would take Chuck for a walk along the street, increasing the target everyday. He would stand still when Chuck sometimes struggled to get-up after tripping and falling. Even though he was a dog, he had assumed the responsibility of getting Chuck back on his feet, which he successfully did.

Duke was a faithful and a loyal dog with extraordinary powers. He knew how impossible challenges could be accomplished. He nudged, needled, poked and forced his master to walk. He set new goals for him everyday. Chuck’s success is a tribute to his extraordinary dog.


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